

Desserts are normal everywhere you go, and have existed for many hundreds of years all over the world, and to be honest most desserts are simply wonderful.
The only thing is that they are bad for you, just like most things that are delicious or make you feel good , after all you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
So if most desserts are bad for you ( in the long run) why do we eat them?
The simple answer is that humans just do not care much about the future, and simply think about the now, “if this thing makes me so happy now, then why should I think about what will be bad for me tomorrow?”
Same can be said about alcohol, who thinks about hangovers when they are drinking?

Some desserts can be very filling, some restaurants or hotels have heavy cakes as desserts, which makes almost no sense, that is more something you eat at a coffee shop or cafe or something like that.
Desserts should be like air, small and light, like ice cream, sorbet, small crème brûlée, cheesecake, or some nice fruit, or even jell-o ( by the way my friend Justin has a blog about jello that you can find here   http://justinsjello.wordpress.com/).
But I guess we need all these desserts to feel good, after all work is the meat of life, and pleasure is the dessert.